It’s Dental Implant Month

  • Implantology Seminars
  • 04 Aug, 2016
  • 1 Min Read

It’s Dental Implant Month

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry has named August Dental Implant Month, in an effort to help spread the word about what this revolutionary technology to can do for people who are missing teeth.

Leave aside the message itself; the very fact that dental implants are being elevated through such a big marketing push should be evidence alone that a vast consensus of experienced physicians and technicians believe they are here to stay. Unlike earlier medical technologies, which did not always provide a consistent experience for eating or speaking, dental implants simply represent a permanent fix – one which is as comfortable as it is effective:

Dental implants have revolutionized dentistry by offering a much more stable and natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. They can be utilized for single or multiple missing teeth in a variety of different ways. A dental implant is a titanium post that simulates the root of a natural tooth and can support a crown, bridge or overdenture. They are very durable and can last a lifetime when properly cared for with regular brushing, flossing and routine check-ups.

The only way to ride this wave and keep your practice at the forefront of dental tech is to train in dental implantology and procedures. The Implantology Seminars team proudly offers the best hands-on training for dental professionals looking to expand their services into this exploding area.