Expand Your Dental Practice with an Implantology Course

  • Implantology Seminars
  • 06 Jul, 2015
  • 51 Secs Read

Expand Your Dental Practice with an Implantology Course

We see it every day: clients and guests at our implantology seminars who return to their practices invigorated and ready to serve their patients in more advanced ways.

This small account of a similar training and transformation sounded familiar to us, so we thought it was worth sharing. It is one dentist’s description of the new breadth of services he can now offer:

“Many of our patients are currently not able to receive dental implants because too much of the jawbone has eroded,” said Dr. Mattern, who operates Desert Dentistry. “Now we can provide bone grafting and then place dental implants that will give patients back their chewing ability.”

Dental implant training is the key that opens entirely new areas of revenue and patient satisfaction. If you often see patients who require more advanced assistance than you can provide, it’s never too late to engage in dental CE courses with hands-on training and more. Start your journey with Implantology Seminars and join the industry as it forges into the future.

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