Dental Implants are Built to Last

  • Implantology Seminars
  • 27 Oct, 2016
  • 1 Min Read

Dental Implants are Built to Last

Dental implantology is growing not just because it offers an easy way to restore missing teeth, but because the implants themselves are built to last.

That is just one of the takeaways from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry’s latest infographic, which underscores the myriad benefits of implants over dentures or crowns, including this important lead-off item:

Strong and stable, a dental implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth. Other options can lead to bone deterioration, and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other activities of everyday life.

It’s yet another good tool for explaining the ins and outs of dental implants to your patients – one which clearly distinguishes dental implants from older technologies including dentures. And it makes at least one more point that many people might not consider, namely:

Look Mom, no cavities! Cavities can’t occur in an implant-restored crown, or replacement tooth; however, you will need to visit your dentist as scheduled and clean and care for it and your gums and mouth every day, the same as you would if it were a natural tooth.

Dental implantology seminars which walk you through the best techniques, under the guidance of the most expert professionals, are an essential component to gaining knowledge and experience in this field. For the best dental implantology courses in California, please don’t hesitate to sign up today.